Guest Author, Wish Only Well (WOW), April, wowzone.com, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Italian Translation of “Mother of the Universe” (Original in English by Hillol Ray), Translated on April 22, by Ms. Georgia Lauzi of Milan, Italy

Bronze Medal for “Commendable Service” – U.S. EPA, Region 6, Dallas, Texas, USA: September 20, 2001

Featured Poem: “Voices for the Millennium”, Asian Pacific American Council (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration, May; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas,Texas

Customer Service Award (Certificate of Appreciation), U.S. EPA, Region 6, May 1, Dallas,Texas


>Listed in “500 Leaders of Science” – American Biographical Institute (ABI), Raleigh, North Carolina
Featured in a Column: “The Bastrop (LA) Daily Enterprise”; “Poetry, feuds and Louisiana purchase bicentennial” by Barbara Sharik, Bastrop, Louisiana, U.S.A., Page 2A, Columns 4 and 5; January 15

> Featured Poem: “Salute to Liberty”; Asian Pacific American Council (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas;1

Featured: “Salute to Liberty”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; May 6

Distinguished Judge: Kids’ Earth Fest Art Contest, Asian Pacific American Council (APAC), May, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington,
Featured: “Unity Day: Kaleidoscope for Human Solidarity”; Unity Day Celebration; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 5, Chicago, Illinois; June 25.

Featured Story, “Engineering Alumnus Speaks Through Poetry”, Bison Briefs, Summer 2003, Volume 44, Number 2, Published by the Office of Vice President for University Relations, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota,USA

> Recognition of Poem: “Global Ethics and Universal Values: Resounding Echoes of Humanity”; From Mr. Jody Hudson, Associate Director for RCRA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 7, Kansas City, Kansas; January 20.

> Invited Guest: African-American Read-In 2004; Organized by the Black Advisory Committee from Black Employment Program (BEP), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; February 19.

> Keynote Speaker, Regional Earth Day Conference, U.S. EPA, Region 3, April 20, Philadelphia, PA\

> Earth Day Guest Interviewee on WGTW TV Channel 48, April 23, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, PA

> Personal Recognition by the Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA, Region 6, April 29, Dallas, Texas

Release Of Own Original Poetry Recitals CD: “Glimpse Of Poems On Environmental Themes”, April 22, JB Productions, Inc., Dallas, Texas, USA


> Adapted Poem: “Earth Day”, For An Opening And Closing Ceremony CD, Baloo’s Bugle, U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Volume 10, Issue 8, April 2004, Skit 6 of 9
>“A Nation We Call Our Own”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; May 12.

Poem Selected: “Diversity”; For entertainment at the CHARACTER COUNTS! Shuffle, led by Mr. Randy Sater, Master of Ceremonies, and Co-Chair, Bloomingdale CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition, Organized by the Bloomingdale School District 13, 164 South Euclid Avenue, Bloomingdale, Illinois 60108, U.S.A., October 19.

Featured Poem: “Earth Day”: The Log, Volume 4, Issue 9, April 2005, Junior League of Annapolis, Inc., Annapolis, Maryland,USA

Featured in: “Indians In Ireland” web-zine; Article entitled: “Kichammi Version of – An Indian American” By V. Krishna Moorthy; Please refer to “Nobel Laureates and Famous Indian Americans In U.S.A., Pages 10 – 13 of 16, (Hillol Ray on Pages 13 and 14); February 18, Ireland .

Inspirational Speaker: “Earth Day 2005” Celebration, Session 2, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA

Guest Poet, Planet Peace Earth Day 2005, DFW Green Alliance, April 23 @ 11:00 AM, Dallas, Texas, USA

Featured Poem: “Hunger and Poverty: A Universal Shame”, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

Featured: “Liberty and Freedom for All”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May 1

Featured: “Liberty and Freedom for All”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May 1.

> Featured: “Energizing the American Work Force”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May 1.

> Featured Poem: “Liberty and Freedom for All”, Asian Pacific American Council (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration, May 5; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas

Certificate Of Outstanding Support: US EPA - 2005 Equal Opportunity Award

> Featured Poem: “Diversity”; Second Annual Diversity Day Celebration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; June 9 .
> Completed: “Effective Government Correspondence”; Awarded by the Graduate School USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), Dallas, Texas; January 11-12

Diversity Poet – Univ. of Michigan Medical School, March, Vol. 12, No. 1, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Guest Poet, Earth Fest 2006 Celebration, April 21 @ 9:00 AM, AT & T Plaza, Downtown Dallas,TX

Guest Column: “Poem celebrates Earth Day: focus on environment”, Dallas Morning News – Neighbors in the Community, Garland-Dallas, Texas,U.S.A. April 29

> Editor’s Note: Dallas Morning News, Garland-Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. April29

Featured: “Dreams and Challenges of Asian Pacific Americans”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May1.

“People in Focus”, FunAsia Desi Pages Magazine, Texas Edition, June, Vol. 52, Page 119, Dallas,TX

People in Focus”, FunAsia Desi Pages Magazine, Texas Edition, June, Vol. 52, Page 119, Dallas,TX
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

> Listed in Opentopia (Encyclopedia), July, Arts and Entertainment Section
> Guest Column: “Local poet’s ‘Earth Day’ travels globe”, Dallas Morning News – Neighbors in the Community, Garland-Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. August 19.

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Guest Poet: Federal Women’s Equality Day 2006 Celebration; Infomart, Dallas, Texas, USA; August 26.

News Release: “Dallas Indians – Dallas Poet Laureate Hillol Ray is Getting National Honors”, By Mike Ghouse, October 31, Carrollton, Texas,U.S.A.

Winner: NFIA National Award in Liberal and Fine Arts, November 17-19, Long Beach, California, USA

Featured Poem: “Unity Day: Kaleidoscope for Human Solidarity”, Dec. 11, Page 2, Cyber Ethiopia WARKA

>“People in Focus”, FunAsia Desi Pages Magazine, Texas Edition, Dec., Vol. 58, Page 170, Dallas, TX
Guest Speaker, Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), May, Arlington, Virginia,USA

Special Guest: International Book Fair Press Conference, June 20 @ 12 Noon, Flag Room, Dallas City Hall, Dallas, Texas, USA

In “Feria Del Libro Sera Newspaper”, June 21, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Guest Poet, Dallas International Book Fair, Org. by Dallas Public Library, July 7 @ 10 AM, Dallas

Guest Poet, Third International Women’s Peace Conference, July 13 @ 5:00 PM, Dallas, Texas

Accolades from Italy”: Asian American Star, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., July 15

Special Achievement Award – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Dallas, Texas, USA

Featured poem: “Pandiculation” – Translated into Italian, and included in the book: “Annoiarsi che felicita!”, (Page 142), by Patrick Lemoine; © Arnold Collin Publisher, 2007, Paris, France; © 2008 Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore S.p.A. – Milano, Italy; ISBN 978 – 88-6073-434-1
Yawning is contagious,
Truly a mystery of mind –
And reasons are unknown,
Why we can’t find!!
Stretching increased blood pressure
With heart rates as well –
And flexes muscles with joints,
While thoughts tend to swell!!
Yawning and stretching are related
Without a clue –
And we seem to do both
When we feel the blue!!
©Copyright August 23, 2004 by Hillol Ray
Le sbadiglio e contagioso
un vero mistero della mente –
e i motivi non si conoscono,
non passiamo sapere il perché!
Lo stirarsi aumenta la pressione sanguigna
e i battiti cardiaci –
e flette i muscoli con le giunture,
mentre i pensieri tendono a elevarsi!
Lo sbadiglio e lo stiramento sono connessi
e sembra che noi pratichiamo l’umo e l’ultro
quando ci sentiamo alinconici!
©Copyright 2007 by Hillol Ray
Original Poem “Pandiculation” in English by Hillol Ray – Italian translation (above) by Patrick Lemoine, appearing in his book Page 142: “Annoiarsi, che felicità!
Superior Accomplishment Award – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Dallas, Texas

Recognition for Professionalism and Leadership, February 8, Louisiana Dept. of Health, LA, USA

Guest Speaker - Fulton School’s International Week-March 7 @ 10:00 AM, Hillcrest Hall, Heath, TX

Recognition of Exemplary Service, June 3, Louisiana Dept. of Health and Hospitals (LDHH), USA

Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America, 62nd Edition, New Jersey, USA
Featured Poetry: “Wetlands”, U.S. EPA Region VIII Western Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Workgroup Meeting, April 29, 30, & May 1, 2008, Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn, Rapid City, South Dakota, U.S.A.

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
“2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/2009”, July 11, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England

2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/2009”, August 15, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England

Leading Scientists of the World 2008, Int’l Biographical Centre (IBC), Sept. 19, Cambridge, England

21st Century Award for Achievement”, Int’l Biographical Centre, December 5, Cambridge, England

“Top 100 Scientists 2009”, International Biographical Centre (IBC), January 9, Cambridge, England

>Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America, New Jersey, USA
Guest Author, Wish Only Well (WOW), April, wowzone.com, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Italian Translation of “Mother of the Universe” (Original in English by Hillol Ray), Translated on April 22, by Ms. Georgia Lauzi of Milan, Italy

Bronze Medal for “Commendable Service” – U.S. EPA, Region 6, Dallas, Texas, USA: September 20, 2001

Featured Poem: “Voices for the Millennium”, Asian Pacific American Council (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration, May; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas,Texas

Customer Service Award (Certificate of Appreciation), U.S. EPA, Region 6, May 1, Dallas,Texas


>Listed in “500 Leaders of Science” – American Biographical Institute (ABI), Raleigh, North Carolina
Featured in a Column: “The Bastrop (LA) Daily Enterprise”; “Poetry, feuds and Louisiana purchase bicentennial” by Barbara Sharik, Bastrop, Louisiana, U.S.A., Page 2A, Columns 4 and 5; January 15

> Featured Poem: “Salute to Liberty”; Asian Pacific American Council (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas;1

Featured: “Salute to Liberty”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; May 6

Distinguished Judge: Kids’ Earth Fest Art Contest, Asian Pacific American Council (APAC), May, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington,
Featured: “Unity Day: Kaleidoscope for Human Solidarity”; Unity Day Celebration; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 5, Chicago, Illinois; June 25.

Featured Story, “Engineering Alumnus Speaks Through Poetry”, Bison Briefs, Summer 2003, Volume 44, Number 2, Published by the Office of Vice President for University Relations, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota,USA

> Recognition of Poem: “Global Ethics and Universal Values: Resounding Echoes of Humanity”; From Mr. Jody Hudson, Associate Director for RCRA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 7, Kansas City, Kansas; January 20.

> Invited Guest: African-American Read-In 2004; Organized by the Black Advisory Committee from Black Employment Program (BEP), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; February 19.

> Keynote Speaker, Regional Earth Day Conference, U.S. EPA, Region 3, April 20, Philadelphia, PA\

> Earth Day Guest Interviewee on WGTW TV Channel 48, April 23, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, PA

> Personal Recognition by the Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA, Region 6, April 29, Dallas, Texas

Release Of Own Original Poetry Recitals CD: “Glimpse Of Poems On Environmental Themes”, April 22, JB Productions, Inc., Dallas, Texas, USA


> Adapted Poem: “Earth Day”, For An Opening And Closing Ceremony CD, Baloo’s Bugle, U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Volume 10, Issue 8, April 2004, Skit 6 of 9
>“A Nation We Call Our Own”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; May 12.

Poem Selected: “Diversity”; For entertainment at the CHARACTER COUNTS! Shuffle, led by Mr. Randy Sater, Master of Ceremonies, and Co-Chair, Bloomingdale CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition, Organized by the Bloomingdale School District 13, 164 South Euclid Avenue, Bloomingdale, Illinois 60108, U.S.A., October 19.

Featured Poem: “Earth Day”: The Log, Volume 4, Issue 9, April 2005, Junior League of Annapolis, Inc., Annapolis, Maryland,USA

Featured in: “Indians In Ireland” web-zine; Article entitled: “Kichammi Version of – An Indian American” By V. Krishna Moorthy; Please refer to “Nobel Laureates and Famous Indian Americans In U.S.A., Pages 10 – 13 of 16, (Hillol Ray on Pages 13 and 14); February 18, Ireland .

Inspirational Speaker: “Earth Day 2005” Celebration, Session 2, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA

Guest Poet, Planet Peace Earth Day 2005, DFW Green Alliance, April 23 @ 11:00 AM, Dallas, Texas, USA

Featured Poem: “Hunger and Poverty: A Universal Shame”, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

Featured: “Liberty and Freedom for All”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May 1

Featured: “Liberty and Freedom for All”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May 1.

> Featured: “Energizing the American Work Force”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May 1.

> Featured Poem: “Liberty and Freedom for All”, Asian Pacific American Council (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration, May 5; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas

Certificate Of Outstanding Support: US EPA - 2005 Equal Opportunity Award

> Featured Poem: “Diversity”; Second Annual Diversity Day Celebration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; June 9 .
> Completed: “Effective Government Correspondence”; Awarded by the Graduate School USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), Dallas, Texas; January 11-12

Diversity Poet – Univ. of Michigan Medical School, March, Vol. 12, No. 1, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Guest Poet, Earth Fest 2006 Celebration, April 21 @ 9:00 AM, AT & T Plaza, Downtown Dallas,TX

Guest Column: “Poem celebrates Earth Day: focus on environment”, Dallas Morning News – Neighbors in the Community, Garland-Dallas, Texas,U.S.A. April 29

> Editor’s Note: Dallas Morning News, Garland-Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. April29

Featured: “Dreams and Challenges of Asian Pacific Americans”; Asian Pacific American Community (APAC) Heritage Month Celebration; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington; May1.

“People in Focus”, FunAsia Desi Pages Magazine, Texas Edition, June, Vol. 52, Page 119, Dallas,TX

People in Focus”, FunAsia Desi Pages Magazine, Texas Edition, June, Vol. 52, Page 119, Dallas,TX
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

> Listed in Opentopia (Encyclopedia), July, Arts and Entertainment Section
> Guest Column: “Local poet’s ‘Earth Day’ travels globe”, Dallas Morning News – Neighbors in the Community, Garland-Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. August 19.

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Guest Poet: Federal Women’s Equality Day 2006 Celebration; Infomart, Dallas, Texas, USA; August 26.

News Release: “Dallas Indians – Dallas Poet Laureate Hillol Ray is Getting National Honors”, By Mike Ghouse, October 31, Carrollton, Texas,U.S.A.

Winner: NFIA National Award in Liberal and Fine Arts, November 17-19, Long Beach, California, USA

Featured Poem: “Unity Day: Kaleidoscope for Human Solidarity”, Dec. 11, Page 2, Cyber Ethiopia WARKA

>“People in Focus”, FunAsia Desi Pages Magazine, Texas Edition, Dec., Vol. 58, Page 170, Dallas, TX
Guest Speaker, Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), May, Arlington, Virginia,USA

Special Guest: International Book Fair Press Conference, June 20 @ 12 Noon, Flag Room, Dallas City Hall, Dallas, Texas, USA

In “Feria Del Libro Sera Newspaper”, June 21, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Guest Poet, Dallas International Book Fair, Org. by Dallas Public Library, July 7 @ 10 AM, Dallas

Guest Poet, Third International Women’s Peace Conference, July 13 @ 5:00 PM, Dallas, Texas

Accolades from Italy”: Asian American Star, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., July 15

Special Achievement Award – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Dallas, Texas, USA

Featured poem: “Pandiculation” – Translated into Italian, and included in the book: “Annoiarsi che felicita!”, (Page 142), by Patrick Lemoine; © Arnold Collin Publisher, 2007, Paris, France; © 2008 Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore S.p.A. – Milano, Italy; ISBN 978 – 88-6073-434-1
Yawning is contagious,
Truly a mystery of mind –
And reasons are unknown,
Why we can’t find!!
Stretching increased blood pressure
With heart rates as well –
And flexes muscles with joints,
While thoughts tend to swell!!
Yawning and stretching are related
Without a clue –
And we seem to do both
When we feel the blue!!
©Copyright August 23, 2004 by Hillol Ray
Le sbadiglio e contagioso
un vero mistero della mente –
e i motivi non si conoscono,
non passiamo sapere il perché!
Lo stirarsi aumenta la pressione sanguigna
e i battiti cardiaci –
e flette i muscoli con le giunture,
mentre i pensieri tendono a elevarsi!
Lo sbadiglio e lo stiramento sono connessi
e sembra che noi pratichiamo l’umo e l’ultro
quando ci sentiamo alinconici!
©Copyright 2007 by Hillol Ray
Original Poem “Pandiculation” in English by Hillol Ray – Italian translation (above) by Patrick Lemoine, appearing in his book Page 142: “Annoiarsi, che felicità!
Superior Accomplishment Award – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Dallas, Texas

Recognition for Professionalism and Leadership, February 8, Louisiana Dept. of Health, LA, USA

Guest Speaker - Fulton School’s International Week-March 7 @ 10:00 AM, Hillcrest Hall, Heath, TX

Recognition of Exemplary Service, June 3, Louisiana Dept. of Health and Hospitals (LDHH), USA

Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America, 62nd Edition, New Jersey, USA
Featured Poetry: “Wetlands”, U.S. EPA Region VIII Western Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Workgroup Meeting, April 29, 30, & May 1, 2008, Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn, Rapid City, South Dakota, U.S.A.

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
“2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/2009”, July 11, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England

2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/2009”, August 15, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England

Leading Scientists of the World 2008, Int’l Biographical Centre (IBC), Sept. 19, Cambridge, England

“International Scientist of the Year 2008”, Int’l Bio. Centre (IBC), Oct. 24, Cambridge, England

21st Century Award for Achievement”, Int’l Biographical Centre, December 5, Cambridge, England

“Top 100 Scientists 2009”, International Biographical Centre (IBC), January 9, Cambridge, England

>Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America, New Jersey, USA
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, (63rd Edition), New Jersey, USA
Poet Laureate of Dallas, Texas” – Asian American Star, January 30, Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX, US

School Text Book: “Themes and Links” by Caterina Larro, Luisa Marro, and Mark Jonathan Walters: ISBN 978 88 416 4559 8 (Publisher: Europass in Milano, Italy; it will also be used as a Text Book in the European High Schools Curriculum System

Asian American Star: Tribute Article By Dr. Andrade of Ecuador, South America: March 15, 2009

Featured Story on U.S. EPA’s Employee News Journal, Spring Issue, EPA Region 6, Dallas, Texas

Guest Speaker, Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), May 12 @ 12 Noon, Houston, TX

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
HelRecognition by the Louisiana Dept. of Health and Hospitals (LDHH), June 5, Shreveport, LA, US Avetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Guest Speaker at Annual Diversity Celebration – U.S. EPA Region 2, June 30, New York, NY, USA

Recognition for Literary contributions about environmental issues through his poetry CD: “Glimpse of Poems on Environmental Themes”: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas, August 18.

>Guest Speaker at 14th Annual Unity Day Celebration, U.S. EPA Region 5, Sept. 10, Chicago, Illinois

Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America, (64th Edition), New Jersey,USA
Book: Poems For The Third Millennium. Mystical Threshold Bounces With The Change of Millennium: August 17, 2010

Sonajhuri E-Zine: “A Piece of Diamond in A Foreign Land” (December, Issue # 75), Australia

Conferred “Who’s Who of Asian Americans”, AsianAmerican.net
Nobel Laureates and Famous Indian Americans in USA” – Inductee (Vigyanprasar), India