Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World (28th Edition), New Jersey, USA
Our Own “Diamond” In An Alien Land – Asian American Star (Feb. 15), Dallas – Ft. Worth, Texas, U.S.A.; and also in South Asian Women’s Forum (SAWF), November 16, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America (65th Edition), New Jersey, USA
Albert Einstein Award of Excellence for 2011, American Biographical Institute (ABI), May 6, North Carolina, U.S A.
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Featured Theme Poem: “Leadership, Diversity, Empowerment, and Beyond”, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, May, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6 Library, Dallas, Texas

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
> Featured Poet and Poetry: “Leadership, Diversity, Empowerment, and Beyond”, Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), 26th Annual Leadership Training Conference, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. May 9 –-13

Featured Theme Poem: “Leadership, Diversity, Empowerment, and Beyond”, Federal Asian Pacific American Community (FAPAC) Heritage Month, May, 26th Annual Leadership Training Conference, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, Seattle, Washington

FeFeatured Poet, Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Building, (May), U.S. EPA Region 4, Atlanta, Georgiaatured Poet, Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Building, (May), U.S. EPA Region 4, Atlanta, Georgia

>“2000 Outstanding Scientists – 2010”, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, May 27 .

One EPA” Born in “USA” – Recognized by U.S. EPA Administrator Jackson, June 10, Washington
>"Children's Health - Why, When, and How", U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, October, Washington, D.C.

NDSU College Of Arts, Humanities, And Social Sciences Faculty, Fargo, North Dakota, USA: November 1

Invited Speaker, Civil Engineering Dept., North Dakota State University, Nov. 4 @ 10 AM, Fargo

Participant: Civil/Criminal Enforcement Training, November 9 – 10, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dallas, Texas

Participant: Civil/Criminal Enforcement Training, November 9 – 10, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dallas, Texas
Featured Poem: Diversity, EDGO Division Newsletter, December, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota, USA
Clouds in the sky have different shade –
They glow in the lights, either dim or fade!
Suddenly new ones come and cloak the air,
To renew our visions and make things fair!
Rainbows are born among the light and rain –
To soothe viewer’s eyes and remove all pain!
Life bathes in motion to plant the new seeds,
And waits for creatures with creative deeds!
This goes on and on since the ancient days,
And people just flock, like bright sun rays!
We know, color or creed works as a dam –
To promote any progress, or create a jam!
No one gains through the screeching halt,
‘Cause faith is taken with a grain of salt!
But removal of notions may clear the way,
And build the bridge that will never sway!
So, let us all now blend our ethnic voice,
To kill any prejudice, or color of choice!
Progress via Diversity: let it be the key –
Around the globe, from heaven to the sea!!!
©Copyright 2006 by Hillol Ray
Featured On International Alumni E-Newsletter, January, Page 3, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota, USA>Guest Poet, Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), May 1@ 12 Noon, Atlanta, Georgia

Guest Poet, Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC), May 1@ 12 Noon, Atlanta, Georgia

Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America (66th Edition), New Jersey, USA
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Incorruptible Sculptor of Success, Asian American Star, May 12, Dallas, TX, USA

Certificate of completion radation Training

Featured Poem: “Striving for Excellence in Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusion”, appeared in the State Equal Employment Manager (SEEM) Newsletter, May, published by the Georgia Air National Guard – State Headquarters, Based, in Marietta, Georgia, U.S.A., as a part of “Asian American and Pacific Islander” (AAPI) Heritage Month Proclamation, May 2012

Featured Poem: “Women Empowerment: Today’s Vision For Tomorrow’s Mission”, appeared in the State Equal Employment Manager (SEEM) Newsletter, August, published by the Georgia National Guard Base, in Marietta, Georgia, as a part of Women’s Equality Day Proclamation 2012

>Length Of Service Award, July, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, Dallas, Texas

Participant, Civil/Criminal Enforcement Training, October 23-24, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas

A Biopic And A Tribute: “Hillol Ray And His Poems: Oeuvres Of Universal Validity”, Fall 2012 Issue (Pages 62-63), Pratichi Club of Kansas City, Kansas, USA

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Listed in Marquis Who’s Who In the World (30th Pearl Anniversary Edition), New Jersey, USA
Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America (67th Edition), New Jersey, USA
Featured Poem: “Away But Not Apart”, International Programs; and International Alumni Facebook pages of North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.A. January 7 .
At the arrival of the season of spring
Reminiscence of my graduation day is here –
While recollections of old memories flock,
And those, with you, I lie to share!
Formative years on my NDSU campus
Still jingle on the nooks of my mind –
So, when I walk on the sands of time,
Tales of Tale I always find!
Decades of my life have acclimatized
On this new adopted land –
And lifted the veils of NDSU days slowly
With a mystic hand!
The rocking chair on which I sit now
Takes me back to my Bison days –
And rekindles my deeper thoughts,
Like the bright sun rays!
Oh my beloved, NDSU, today
I miss your silhouette touch –
With a fondness of caring me,
To say: thank you so much!
On the hot days of summer,
I walked on your campus streets –
Full of students, faculty, and staffs,
Mingling with equity, diversity and royalty treats!
Green meadows of Fargo forests
Ushered in the arrival of spring –
While I took the morning walk,
Perturbed by the bikers’ “cring”!
Childish curiosity drove me to places,
Like your games, sports, and lakes –
And the flora and fauna of your campus
Fascinated me with bright snowflakes!
Dew moistened green grasses, and cold winters
Provoked my curious eyes and bare hands –
To touch and feel the beauty of your outreach,
And Minard Hall’s Bison bands!
Winding streets of yours enchanted me
To follow where they mingled with trees and bees –
And soared my dreams in heavenly places,
To look for my happiness keys!
Through your fellowship, education,
Guidance, diversity, and outreach –
You paved the paths of my life smoothly,
With knowledge, maturing in how to teach!
Via science and technology
You have given me the global fame –
And the roles of your faculty and leaders
Swing young minds in professional game!
Will, the foundation of my life today
Has inundated me with material thing –
And made me happy with values,
While my cheers continue to sing!
With the waves of time, I will float away
To rest with eternity in peace –
But the love for you, my own NDSU,
Is forever, and assured not to miss!
So before I conclude for now,
I must say with a proud voice –
That I am far away, but not apart,
And love you dearly with own choice!
©Copyright March 8, 2012 by Hillol Ray
>-mail from Associate Dean, College of Graduate and Interdisciplinary Studies, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.A., February 27 .

E- mail from the Vice President Eveadean M. Myers, Equity, Diversity, and Global Outreach (EDGO) Office, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.A., March 1

> Certificate of Completion: Region 6 Annual Radiation Safety Training, offered by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dallas, Texas; April 18.

Featured Poem: “Building Leadership: Embrace Cultural Values and Inclusion”, appeared in the State Equal Employment Manager (SEEM) Newsletter, May, published by the Georgia Air National Guard – State Headquarters, Based, in Marietta, Georgia, U.S.A., as ≠a part of “Asian American and Pacific Islander” (AAPI) Heritage Month Proclamation, May 2013.


Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Reference/Approval Letter: From the Editor and Publisher of Pratichi magazine, June 15, Pratichi Club of Kansas City, Olathe, Kansas, U.S.A.


Recipient: “Bison Spirit Gift”: Office of International Programs, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.A. October 11-12

> Recognition by the Vice President, Equity, Diversity and Global Outreach (EDGO) Office, North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.A. December 26.

Helv>Book release: Dog O’ Pony Tale by Hillol Ray and Seema Banerjee Ray, January 29, Kolkata Book Fair, Kolkata, West Bengal, Indiaetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
​Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

> Listed In Marquis Who’s Who In America, (68th Edition), New Jersey, U.S.A.
> Listed in Marquis Who’s Who In America, (On Demand)
>Featured Poem: “The Founder of Dream”; A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Organized by the Black Employment Committee (BEP), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas; February.

Recognition of accomplishments of B. E. College, 1973 CE Alumni and batch mate, Hillol Ray, (1973 Civil Engineering); February 7

> Featured Poem: “The National Compass”; Anthology on Mandela Tributes: Published by the Poetry Society of India; February 18.
THE NATIONAL COMPASS Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
(A Personal Tribute To Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela: July 18, 1918 – Present)
The rhythms of life may or may not remain the same,
With or without the power –
And this is the truth, found in the history,
Written from the grave or ivory tower!
Modern science can fabricate the life of “lucky ones”
Through wealth, education, and political tie –
While the majority battling against evils of society
Or lack of choice moves forward simply to die!
The present millennium has witnessed
The racial disparity over a long period of time –
In a country like South Africa where lives have been sold
For nickel, penny and dime!
A sense of disillusionment permeated the nation
Where oppression was moving under the veil –
And the “darkness” in the horizon of spirituality
Among the “ruling minority” created the hell!
Millions of people died during decades of fighting
To defeat or defend the apartheid forever –
While the million more were imprisoned without trial,
And many of them were found never!
Such a profound sadness in the history of mankind traumatized
The heart of our Mandela, an octogenarian now –
Who was jailed twenty-seven years as a political prisoner,
But still guided his nation with a reconciliation vow!
Transition from a repressive society to a multiracial democracy
Was smoothly steered by this National Hero –
And he is the “founding father of the new South Africa”,
Who rose to the Nation’s top from the ground zero!
His legacy of suffering, struggle and triumph
Will prevail in the history from dusk until dawn –
Around the globe, in future millenniums, when ‘supremacy’
Cannot be used as the only pawn!
Today, the world has ushered in the “Mandela era”
To dignify the sense of fortitude and vision –
While carrying out his deep ‘ideals’ of “Truth and Reconciliation”
As the heaven sent mission!
Hello, Mandela, please accept our deepest love and teary respect –
Because your self-sacrifice is truly remarkable and really heartfelt!
You restored the deserving pride in a country ashamed of its past –
And replaced the old tyranny without another that will surely last!
You are the ‘reconciler’ who will be known as
The “Madiba Magic” for the generations to follow –
While your ‘steely’ determination is embedded
On the solid foundations, instead of being hollow!
You have offered forgiveness to the whites;
And with downtrodden blacks, you shared hope –
And they bring cavalcade of joy with infinite wisdom
That mankind should be able to cope!
Today, as you are stepping down from the presidency
Of the “Rainbow Nation”, I dearly wish you well –
While your motto of fight for human rights brighten our thought
And there it will surely thrive to dwell!
You overcame hatred and suspicion between
Whites and non-whites, and attracted the global view –
So now the tears of joy drench our cheeks,
Like the early mornings as moistened by the misty dew!
Mandela, you are the monumental force
That orchestrated the South African history to change –
And exerted a commanding influence to eradicate
The apartheid from within your prison range!
As a statesman, peacemaker, and supreme moral authority,
You confounded the prophets of doom –
Without the bloodbath, and opened the doors of your heart
To the oppressors as a discussion room!
You reached across the chasm of racial conflicts
And crafted the new nation to relieve the oppressed mankind –
Through your strong spirit, untiring self-sacrifice
And dauntless determination that nowhere else we can find!
We know, the racial profiling is “morally indefensible”
And “deeply corrosive” that can blur our vision –
But the credit goes to you, ‘cause you brought it
Before the ‘blind’ world, to achieve your only mission!
No doubt, Mandela, you are a ‘symbol of reconciliation’
As well as a ‘symbol of anti-apartheid’ fight –
But eventually the mistakes were slowly unveiled
And you showed us the path from darkness to light!
Your acts of magnanimity are too unique, and teach us
To forgive man in his frailties without the reason –
And I hope this trend will prevail in the next millennium,
Irrespective of race or time, or even the season!
Well, in conclusion, I love to say this,
And this will be “always true” as it is –
Only you are the “master musician of souls”,
And your “Libertarian” lessons hold enormous power –
So the foundation of apartheid’s architects felt the tremors
Even from the throne and ‘Godly’ tower!
I feel humbled by your energy
And invaluable role that will forge the new link –
Between the generations of present and future
Where we will be happy to sink!
You have steered the Rainbow Nation
Through stormy tides like in the troubled sea –
And held the compass for right direction
To replace sadness with the happiness key!
Today, I salute your courage and struggle for peace
With freedom of the oppressed millions of the Earth –
And you will remain as an inspiration to me
And countless others who witnessed the new nation’s birth!
Your messages through “Long Walk to Freedom”
Will be the guiding light from dawn until dusk –
In each millennium, present and the future,
To freshen our “mental smell” with the “deerly” musk!!
©Copyright June 8, 2013 by Hillol Ray
(Un Tributo Personale A Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
nato il 18 Luglio, 1918 da parte di)
Il ritmo della vita può rimanere lo stesso, oppure cambiare,
Indipendentemente dai governanti –
Questa è la verità, tramandata dalla storia,
Scritta nelle tombe o nei palazzi dei potenti!
Il progresso può modellare la vita dei “pochi eletti”
Grazie alle migliori scuole, ai legami politici, ai soldi in cassaforte –
Mentre la maggioranza combatte contro i mali della società
E senza possibilità di scelta non può che incamminarsi verso la morte!
Il nostro millennio ha visto affermarsi
La segregazione razziale molto a lungo –
In una nazione come il Sud Africa dove le vite valgono
Solo pochi centesimi, a volte uno!
Un senso di sfiducia si era diffuso nel paese
L’oppressione si imponeva insinuandosi al suo interno –
E la spiritualità si era spenta nel buio,
Mentre la minoranza al potere creava un inferno!
Milioni di persone morirono lottando
Per sconfiggere o difendere l’apartheid –
E altri milioni furono imprigionati senza processo,
Molti di loro senza essere ritrovati mai!
Tanta tristezza per la storia dell’umanità ferì profondamente
Il cuore di Mandela, ora ottuagenario –
Prigioniero politico per 27 anni,
Ma poi capo del paese, e in grado di riconciliarlo!
La transizione da una società repressiva a una democrazia multirazziale
E’ stata pilotata con perizia da questo Eroe Nazionale nero –
E’ lui “il padre fondatore del nuovo Sud Africa”,
Che ha creato una Nazione a partire da zero!
Il suo messaggio di sofferenza, lotta e trionfo
Sarà tramandato nella storia per sempre-
In tutto il mondo, per millenni, quando la ‘supremazia’
smetterà di essere l’unica legge!
Oggi il mondo si sta assestando nell’ “era di Mandela”
E si ispira alla sua forza e alla sua visione –
Senza dimenticare i suoi ideali di “Verità e Riconciliazione”
Inviati dal cielo per portare a termine la sua missione!
Ciao, Mandela, accetta il nostro affetto profondo e il nostro rispetto pieno di dolore –
Perché il tuo sacrificio è notevole e fatto col cuore!
Hai restituito il giusto orgoglio a un paese che si vergognava di un passato amaro
E sostituito la tirannia con un altro tipo di governo, certamente destinato a durare!
Sei tu il riconciliatore, che sarà chiamato
“Magico Madiba” dalle generazioni future –
Con la tua determinazione di ferro, radicata
in fondamenta profonde e durature!
Hai offerto il perdono ai bianchi;
Hai condiviso la speranza coi neri calpestati –
Portando processioni di gioia insieme a una saggezza infinita
Perché l’umanità potesse affrontare anche i momenti più delicati!
Oggi, mentre lasci la presidenza
della “Nazione Arcobaleno”, ti auguro ogni bene –
E che il tuo impegno nella lotta per i diritti umani possa illuminarci la via
E prosperare per sempre!
Hai superato l’odio e i sospetti
Tra bianchi e neri, e hai attirato l’opinione pubblica mondiale –
Grazie a te lacrime di gioia ci rigano le guance,
Come rugiada nella nebbia che all’alba compare!
Mandela, sei la forza monumentale
Che ha orchestrato il cambiamento nella storia della nazione –
E ha esercitato una profonda influenza per sradicare
L’apartheid dalla sua cella in prigione!
Come statista, portatore di pace, e suprema autorità morale,
Hai messo in crisi i profeti della distruzione –
Evitato i bagni di sangue, e aperto le porte del tuo cuore
Agli oppressori proponendo loro un tavolo di discussione!
Hai superato il baratro dei conflitti razziali
E creato una nuova nazione che desse sollievo all’umanità oppressa –
Grazie al tuo spirito indomito, a un sacrificio costante
E a una determinazione ineguagliabile, indefessa!
Sappiamo che le teorie razziali sono moralmente indifendibili
E “profondamente corrosive”, tanto da offuscare il nostro sguardo –
Ma il merito è tuo perché l’hai dimostrato
A un mondo “cieco” raggiungendo il tuo traguardo!
Non c’è dubbio, Mandela, sei ‘simbolo della riconciliazione’
E simbolo di una lotta anti-apartheid feroce –
Alla fine gli errori sono stati gradualmente smascherati,
E ci hai mostrato la strada che porta dalle tenebre alla luce!
I tuoi atti di magnanimità sono unici e ci insegnano
A perdonare le fragilità di uomini senza ragione –
E spero che questa abitudine proseguirà nei millenni a venire,
Quale che sia la razza, il momento, o la religione!
Per concludere voglio dirti questo,
Una cosa che sarà “sempre vera” come lo è ora –
Tu sei l’unico “maestro musicista di anime”,
E le tue lezioni di libertà hanno un enorme potere –
Le fondamenta degli architetti dell’apartheid sono state scosse
Anche dal trono e dalle sedi più divine!
Mi sento sopraffatto dalla tua energia,
E dal ruolo fondamentale che hai avuto nel creare quel legame –
Tra le generazioni presenti e future
In cui saremo felici di annegare!
Hai condotto la Nazione Arcobaleno
Attraverso correnti tumultuose in un mare in tempesta –
Hai mantenuto la bussola nella giusta direzione
Per rimpiazzare la tristezza con una felicità immensa!
Oggi, io celebro il tuo coraggio e la lotta per la pace,
Per la libertà di milioni di oppressi al mondo –
E tu rimarrai una fonte d’ispirazione per me
E innumerevoli altri testimoni della nascita di una nuova gente!
I tuoi messaggi lungo il “Cammino per la Libertà”
Saranno la luce che ci guida senza sosta –
Nel nostro millennio e in quelli a venire
Per rinfrescare i nostri “odori mentali” con sentore di cervo muschiato!!
©Copyright 8 Giugno, 2013 da Hillol Ray (a.k.a “Dr. Diamond”)
Tradotto dall'inglese da Ms. Georgia Lauzi di Milano, Italia, il 13 Luglio 2013
> Poem Displayed and Recited at the Funeral Service: Nelson “Beau” Smith, Mansfield, Texas, U.S.A. March 13.

in Marquis Who’s Who In the World, April, 31st Edition, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, U.S.A.

Midnapore Pride: Biographical Story - October 12, 2014, Midnapore, West Bengal, India
Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America, 69th Edition, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, January, 32nd Edition, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Honorium Citation: “Bidesh Ratna: Bharat Garbo” (Foreign Jewel: India’s Pride), January 2015, Awarded by Moramer Katha Sahityo Songshod (Moramer Katha Literary Organization), Midnapore, West Bengal, India

Face to face with U.S. NASA Astronaut, Benjamin Alvin Drew, Jr. at U.S. EPA, Region 6, Dallas, Texas, February 26, 2015

Receipt of CAB Honors


Sept 92

Oct 93

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