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Flute at the County Fair
Hillol Ray
The county fair of my youth,
Today as I tend to recall-
With nickel and dime in pocket,
Probably in Summer or Fall!
The flute I liked was pricey,
And beyond all my means-
Simply I waited long and stared,
And thought through thick and thins!
Now with waves of time,
I have grown, and if I care-
I can buy that flute with cash,
To let my joy to flow and share!
Well, I still go to that fair,
But my desires changed in taste-
And I wonder where my youth went,
Or who made me old in a haste??
October 18, 2021
© Copyright October 18, 2021 by Hillol Ray
If or When
Hillol Ray
If or when I become the king of Reykjavik,
And you the queen of famed Tim Buck Two-
I would make the dolphins dance with me,
And spouting whales will ask you what to do!
To widen my golden memories’ haunted shores,
And the dedicated thoughts of a familiar name-
I will jump and climb the tallest tree in Kalamazoo,
And splendor of untraveled sea will spread my fame!
If or when I become the ruthless king of Spain,
I will hold all the gold in vaults, not in vain-
Fear of pale and prudent morals will rise,
And the victory parade will drench in rain!
The vagabond young subjects will turn aside
From the greed that will ask me slowly to ache-
And make them sad or blinded to all the hapless
While my age-old evil spirit will dance or shake!
If or when I become the king of your diamond-heart,
I will be always gliding down in your ocean of love-
Subtle words of silence I may whisper
In your ears for ecstasy in mating dove!
We will thrive through motion and emotion,
To make all the changes we need to abide-
And I will be throned on your heart,
But you will be crowned at my side!!
October 21, 2021
© Copyright October 21, 2021 by Hillol Ray