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Innocuous Winking
Hillol Ray
In my dappled dreams on late Sunday afternoon,
The time-shaped face of Lincoln softly came by-
And the pale pages of World History Book were staring at me,
As my manicured fingers thumbed through with yawn and sigh!
In a beautiful nonsense of the tinctured dusk of Spring 2021,
Irresponsible wind in Milestone’s yard enchants the “deer”-
And the swift sweet minute mind of this poet
Drinks own poem in the balcony with a cheer!
Late at night, the full moon rattles like the chewed gum,
And the dearest “deer” plays hide and seek with a whim-
But my busiest quill does not sleep at such gestures,
Rather it sinks in deeper thought and begins to swim!
As a daunting lounger, prisoned within four walls,
I see the sailing blue-white clouds winking at me-
And pegs of Napoleon brandy hit my brain slowly,
To energize and allow me to exclaim: I love Thee!
The immaculate angel, my dearest “deer”,
Haunts alone for a thicket fallen on Earth-
With hands and lips, unclasped and un-kissed,
To drench me in her loves to create the mirth!
The shredding of her old innocuous winking
Catches my eyes off guard to create the thrill-
And her delicate postures shake my red heart,
As our voices change from whisper to shrill!!
July 20, 2021
© Copyright July 20, 2021 by Hillol Ray
Hillol Ray
The quest for immortality is an “intrinsic mania”
And always boggles my mind as it loves to hear-
Down through the missing links of births and deaths,
And provokes me to undying thoughts I seem to bear!
Who am I on this Earth and where do I come from,
Relates to my heart and soul to offer me an answer-
As my search continues still along the big universe,
To hear back from musician, puppeteer, and dancer!
At times, I feel like the sweeping hand of the clocks,
And love to swing along the waves of languid hours-
Awakened quietly by a freshness of the morning breaths,
But vanished by the copper sun under the April showers!
Tracking and trekking of the golden gone-by years
Will aspire me to project myself towards an eternity-
And who knows through the thoughts within thoughts,
My desired desires will crave for unsung immortality!
Sometimes I pretend to be a sleazy stream,
Or an abode of flora and fauna on the hill-
And allow the estuaries or springs to merge
In my young delicate body to feel the chill!
Melting of the snowdrifts in early Summer
May enhance the flow for worse or better-
And at “Milestone”, I will happily track any progress
Towards the longevity to immortality for now or later!
Tunes, composed and de-composed, in the Fall,
Thrive with all forgotten memories not my own-
But they will leave their footprints on this Earth,
Like the blessings via hymns in religions shown!
The nectars of poems I seep or drink at moonlit nights
Rejuvenate my quill and soothes my quivering heart-
And in rush, process heavily on immortality in tranquility,
Emerged from the sovereignty born in the object d’ Art!!!
September 3, 2021
© Copyright September 3, 2021 by Hillol Ray



Innocuous Winking
Hillol Ray
In my dappled dreams on late Sunday afternoon,
The time-shaped face of Lincoln softly came by-
And the pale pages of World History Book were staring at me,
As my manicured fingers thumbed through with yawn and sigh!
In a beautiful nonsense of the tinctured dusk of Spring 2021,
Irresponsible wind in Milestone’s yard enchants the “deer”-
And the swift sweet minute mind of this poet
Drinks own poem in the balcony with a cheer!
Late at night, the full moon rattles like the chewed gum,
And the dearest “deer” plays hide and seek with a whim-
But my busiest quill does not sleep at such gestures,
Rather it sinks in deeper thought and begins to swim!
As a daunting lounger, prisoned within four walls,
I see the sailing blue-white clouds winking at me-
And pegs of Napoleon brandy hit my brain slowly,
To energize and allow me to exclaim: I love Thee!
The immaculate angel, my dearest “deer”,
Haunts alone for a thicket fallen on Earth-
With hands and lips, unclasped and un-kissed,
To drench me in her loves to create the mirth!
The shredding of her old innocuous winking
Catches my eyes off guard to create the thrill-
And her delicate postures shake my red heart,
As our voices change from whisper to shrill!!
July 20, 2021
© Copyright July 20, 2021 by Hillol Ray