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On the Veiled Mirror of Her Vision
Hillol Ray
As I flip the last bright pages of my life,
The reality of visions seems to crawl by-
Down the deepest flows of withdrawing waves,
And I do thrive alone along the conspiring sigh!
Now I look at the things that I have or had,
Longed for, and all that I am going to lose-
With an upward emotion towards the heavens gate,
And the regrets from ignorance of what to choose!
The passionate vitality in her own inner beauty
Is known well to me over the gone by years-
And she believes in true creation on God’s behalf,
To make me live with joy, happiness, and cheers!
The reality of the life and divinity engulfs her mind,
And I relish love on the veiled mirror of her vision-
So the impromptu comprehension of her intimate hope
Rekindles now the flame of my youth with a mission!
Exceptional deeds and the gifts of unmatched moments
Don’t occur accidentally or appear on every day in life-
Rather the discontent of sporadic and hapless soul
Undermines the beauty to cause a vigorous strife!
With my own ability under reality and tranquility,
I will quietly sail away in impermanence of time-
And request the world not to weep, quiver, or sob,
Rather play the cymbals in rickety winds’ chime!!
August 1, 2021
© Copyright August 1, 2021 by Hillol Ray
Ocean of Dreams
Hillol Ray
The ocean of dreams slowly brimmed its banks,
And carried me too far away to my adopted land-
Four decades have flown by already with big bang,
And my remaining days move on by shake of hand!
Arboretum of Dallas City is my “Nature friend”,
And Thanksgiving Tower holds my social meet-
Regardless of the day or hour of any season,
I am there in freezing cold or summer heat!
With progressions of age, instead of being a sage,
I feel the subtle changes in my body and thought-
And the things I have done in my earlier years
Are now things of distant past and ready to rot!
To a lost thing, I give a fling, as I can never find it,
And my broken heart under T-shirt doesn’t mend-
Amidst the fears of being alone engulf me often,
As I slowly crawl with time toward the life’s end!
The Krugerrands I have saved in vaults of Swiss Banks
Hopefully will make me rich, but I will grow to be old-
I plan to build a house on the ocean-front property,
With sprawl sandy beach, unaffected by hot or cold!
Only the men who were boys, and not the girls,
When I was a boy, will be the guest at my party-
And pass on the remaining salient years of my life
With friends drinking and hollering hale and hearty!!
October 25, 2021
© Copyright October 25. 2021 by Hillol Ray